The Pennsylvania Coalition for Spectral Discovery (PACSD) is a paranormal investigative group made up of seasoned investigators from all walks of life, each with their own talents. Our six members and two junior members come from a variety of backgrounds including Computers, Graphic Design, Music, Law Enforcement, Auto Mechanics, and Office Management. We strive to collect evidence that can be substantiated by audio and video recordings and the use of scientific instruments but we remain open-minded in our methods. In addition, we take a practical approach in that no evidence is believed to be of possible paranormal origin until all other realistic explanations have been ruled out.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Widow Brown Inn - Stockertown, PA

Recently, the group gathered at The Widow Brown Inn in Stockertown, Pa to conduct an investigation, the first for the group’s resident sensitive. Also in attendance was Bruce Pearson, a dedicated investigator from another area who lent them the use of a thermal camera for the night.

After determining which rooms had the most potential for activity based on the testimony of an Inn employee, they set up their equipment and waited for the restaurant to close before “going dark” and beginning the investigation in earnest.

Over the course of the evening, roughly four hours of photographic, video and audio footage were gathered with some surprising results. Most notably, an image of a seated or crouching figure in the attic bathroom which was caught with the thermal camera.

While thermal cameras will sometimes pick up a heat signature of a nearby person from a reflective surface, further investigation determined that this was not the case. Video taken during that time revealed that none of the team were near enough to the bathroom to cause a reflection on the unpainted wood surface and none were seated as the image in the thermal camera portrays.

In addition, several EVP’s (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) were recorded and analyzed, some of which were dismissed as ambient noise or another team member speaking nearby. Others however, could not be dismissed so easily. In one clip, the sound of a goat or a child’s toy could be heard. There were no animals or toys in the attic. Later in that same clip, a male voice whispering “light” could be made out after a female investigator asks the entities to roll her light into the sink.

Is the Widow Brown Inn haunted? Skeptics will say that no matter how scientific the approach, these occurrences can be attributed to an earthly - rather than paranormal - explanation. PACSD takes a more Sherlockian approach. “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

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